Job vacancies from CIHEAM Zaragoza
CIHEAM Zaragoza recruits talented people committed to the Organization’s values and principles of cooperative development, flexibility, capacity to adapt to the needs of society, internationality, innovation, sustainability and constant pursuit of excellence.
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Το Μεσογειακό Αγρονομικό Ινστιτούτο Χανίων, όργανο του Διεθνούς Κέντρου Ανωτάτων Μεσογειακών Γεωπονικών Σπουδών που εδρεύει στο Παρίσι, στο πλαίσιο του έργου «A Holistic Approach to Sustainable, Digital EU Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock and Rural Development based on Reconfigurable Aerial Enablers and Edge Artificial Intelligence-on-Demand Systems / CHAMELEON» HORIZON EUROPE προκηρύσσει την πλήρωση μία θέσης έκτακτου προσωπικού.
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182nd EAAE Seminar
14-15 September 2022
The objectives of the 182 EAAE Seminar are to bring together scholars and researchers that will exchange ideas, practices and research initiatives that cover the current developments in biodiversity, sustainability and the agri-food supply chain.
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182nd EAAE Seminar
14-15 September 2022
The objectives of the 182 EAAE Seminar are to bring together scholars and researchers that will exchange ideas, practices and research initiatives that cover the current developments in biodiversity, sustainability and the agri-food supply chain.
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4th Mediterranean forum for PhD students and yound researchers
With great pleasure, we are circulating the first announcement for the 4th Mediterranean Forum
(MEDFORUM) for PhD students and Young Researchers, which will take place in Chania,
Crete, Greece on December 4-7, 2022.
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